Next steps for social enterprises in the Isle of Man

24 April 2019

Towards the end of 2018, the Department for Enterprise (DfE) undertook an information gathering exercise to understand more about the current activity on the Isle of Man relating to social enterprises. A wide range of views have been collated using consultation hub. The consultation has since closed and the 27 responses received have been considered and analysed by DfE.

Additional information, opinions and observations have also fed into the process following face to face engagement through a series of informal workshops and meetings.

A summary of key points has been published on the consultation hub here.

Laurence Skelly MHK, Minister for Enterprise, commented:

‘I would like to personally thank everyone who has taken part in this exercise both on-line and through the series of workshops. Social and creative enterprises are acknowledged as being key drivers of innovation and entrepreneurship, and therefore instrumental in the Isle of Man being an Island of enterprise and opportunity.’

‘The work so far will inform our next steps as we take action to support creative, social enterprise as part of our commitment to growing our diverse economy.’

The consultation put forward a range of initiatives which highlight the creative and ethical strengths of the Island. Examples range from Government funded community initiatives which generate income to businesses reinvesting a proportion of their profits to do social good. Not-for Profit co-operatives were also highlighted as well as businesses with explicit social goals and missions, charities with a business arm and companies which engage in regular and significant Corporate Social Responsibility activity.

Ideas generated from the consultation process have informed a policy planning session which will be developed in coming months, in partnership with a range of stakeholders to develop shared actions and a toolkit to further support business.

This will continue to feed into work with other jurisdictions looking at social inclusion, with a focus on social enterprises.

If you would like any further information or have more to add to the conversation please contact Jane Critchley, Head of Special Projects at the Department for Enterprise by telephone 01624 682380 or by e-mail