Step Programme 2020 Cancelled

27 March 2020

The Department for Enterprise has announced that the STEP 2020 Programme has been cancelled.

The Programme, which places local undergraduate students within Isle of Man based organisations to complete an 8 week project-based placement during the student summer break, has been cancelled as the Department re-focuses resources on providing direct support to protect businesses, workers and the Island’s economy during the coronavirus pandemic.

Laurence Skelly MHK, Minister for Enterprise, commented:

‘It is with regret that we announce the cancellation of this year’s STEP Programme. The STEP Programme is a fantastic initiative which provides significant benefits to undergraduates and local organisations, however given present circumstances and the challenges the Island and our economy face, we did not feel that we could commit to running the Programme this year. We would like to thank all the students and organisations that have already applied to take part’.

The news follows the latest raft of emergency packages announced by the Department and Treasury on Monday 23rd March, which are designed to support businesses and workers, and protect the Island’s economy from the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. Packages of support comprise of a number of business support measures including a £3,000 Coronavirus Business Support Scheme, COVID-19 Wage Support Scheme and Manx Earnings Replacement Allowance.

To find out more about the various support packages, visit: