Strengthening ties with the British Isles: BITA Networking Event
03 September 2019

On Friday 6th September, the Isle of Man Chapter of the British Irish Trading Alliance (BITAIOM) will welcome guests from the Isle of Man, UK and Ireland for a networking lunch held at the Comis Hotel and Golf Resort. The event aims to strengthen the Island’s business connections with the British Isles, encourage collaboration locally, and promote the Isle of Man to visiting delegates as a place to do business.
The Department for Enterprise is sponsoring the event along with other local organisations including Manx Telecom, E-Sign, Nettl and Bold Consultancy. The event will be opened by Lawrie Hooper MHK and feature a keynote speaker, followed by networking and a raffle.
Keynote speaker, Alex Krol, a former Royal Marine and Invictus Games Gold Medallist, will share his insight into the highs and lows of dealing with a severe spinal injury and how he used sport to aid his recovery in terms of mental and physical well-being.
Minister for Enterprise, Laurence Skelly MHK, commented:
‘The event will be a chance for us to promote the Isle of Man as a great place to do business as well as provide an opportunity to share our knowledge with UK and Irish organisations. It is important for us to continually strengthen business relationships with our counterparts across the Irish Sea in both the public and private sector, and through developing these important ties with our neighbours; we prepare ourselves for future engagement.’
Over 90 individuals from a range of Isle of Man, UK and Irish organisations have already registered for the event, including members of the Chamber of Commerce Isle of Man, the Wirral Chamber of Commerce, and Ellanstone. Representatives from businesses who are looking to collaborate and launch in the Isle of Man, such as Recipro, Asset Training, and Go Green Office Solutions, will also be in attendance. CEO of the Isle of Man Chamber of Commerce, Rebecca George, commented on the opportunity:
‘We are delighted to be attending BITAIOM’s inaugural lunch next month. The event offers a fantastic chance for businesses across the Isle of Man, UK and Ireland to network and collaborate. The event also allows Isle of Man Chamber the opportunity to further develop our relationship with the Wirral Chamber of Commerce.’
Brendon Kenny, Chair of BITAIOM and Director of Ellanstone, also commented:
‘We look forward to welcoming delegates from both sides of the Irish Sea to build relationships following the launch of the BITA Isle of Man Chapter earlier this year. With BITA’s strong links with Chapters in London, Liverpool, Dublin and its new alliances across the pond in the USA, it places the Isle of Man at the heart of it all. We would encourage representatives from Manx businesses to attend what should prove to be an exciting and memorable networking lunch.’
In accordance with BITA’s ethos, all proceeds from the raffle are in aid of Manx Charity, Live at Home. A Motorcycle helmet signed by 2019 Manx Grand Prix Race Riders is the top prize. Tickets for the event are £90. For more information or to purchase a ticket, please visit: